Below is the step how to uninstall SEE 2.0 and install SEE 2.5 version.
1) Open your SEE2.0 program > At the main menu, press F12 button or click on "F12 - Show License info" then copy the current register code
2) If you do not have the SEE2.5 installer, You may download from the link:
2) If you do not have the SEE2.5 installer, You may download from the link:
3) Uninstall SEE2.0 program from your computer (for more details, you can refer to the User Guide page 10).
4) Install SEE2.5 program in the same computer (for more details, you can refer to the User Guide page 5-9).
5) Key in the current register code.
6) Restart your computer and open SEE2.5 program.
4) Install SEE2.5 program in the same computer (for more details, you can refer to the User Guide page 5-9).
5) Key in the current register code.
6) Restart your computer and open SEE2.5 program.